Green New Deal advocates: “Pipeline and resource development leads to man camps, human trafficking, and child-porn rings.” And these people want to govern a nation…


I really didn’t want to write this post. It is vile and disgusting and incendiary, and can only serve to increase polarization. But the comments in the headlines were actually said, in a church, by activists, while the likes of David Suzuki and Naomi Klein sat approvingly in the audience. And Canada needs to hear what Green New Deal people actually are thinking, if their madness is to be part of the upcoming election.

The following comments were made during a Green New Deal town hall meeting at a church in Toronto recently, as reported by the National Observer. An activist lawyer had this to say about Canada’s resource industry, verbatim from the article: “(Pipelines and resource developments) involve large numbers of man camps, and wherever there are man camps or any kind of natural resource development, you have high rates of missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls, human trafficking, high rates of child-porn rings — both in Canada and in the U.S.” [emphasis added, but not needed]

This is where we are now at, folks. There is no bottom to the barrel. The National Observer considers this to be news, and their pallid, hateful readership considers it to be relevant dialogue. Every single one of them considers such filth to be part of a platform to govern a nation.

Naomi Klein filled in some more blanks, in case anyone was unsure of where she stood: ““We have a governing party that talks a good game about climate, but still behaves as if the only industry that can create good jobs is the oil and gas industry, and that’s just simply not true.” …Misinformation will be a huge problem moving forward, Klein said.”

It defies common sense to think that these conversations are happening outside of an asylum. It is simply unreal to think that an accomplished author like Klein could listen to a speaker talk of a link between pipeline construction and child-porn rings, then complain minutes later about how the oil and gas industry’s employment numbers are “misinformation”. We have moved from discussions about CO2 levels to attempts to link resource extraction with child pornography. The Green New Deal and its acolytes can sink no lower. No matter what you think about the ethics of business – and I will be first to say that Wall Street and Bay Street are light years from being ethical strongholds – remember these comments when you sit in the ballot box and contemplate voting for anyone that smells of the Green New Deal.

The gap between those that are responsible for keeping the world running and those that engage in mindlessly vicious climate change rhetoric is widening at an alarming pace, and it is becoming absurd. Consider that, because of the binary nature of the debate, to state publicly one’s approval of Canada’s petroleum sector and its ability to be a part of the world’s unfaltering supply requirements is now to approve of “cultural genocide”, “human trafficking”, and “child-porn rings” – their words, not mine. Providing the fuel that keeps us alive, including heat in winter and food on the table, is now deemed to be activity that fosters child pornographers.

Anyone with a brain bigger than a walnut can see that such perverted polarization is going to fail miserably if the goal is to reduce CO2 emissions. That sort of blistering and slanderous nonsense will lose its shock value in seconds, because almost every Canadian has, or knows someone who has, worked in a “man-camp” and come out of the experience with no child porn on their hard drives. Climate activism, when framed like this, is doomed to fail.

The question is: how much damage will be caused to the world’s economies before anyone steps up and admits that?

Canada, you’re better than this!!!

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  1. Overtonwindow says:

    Well written article, but a small quibble. These people are not saying this for rhetorical effect, they honestly believe this. If you were debating people that you knew were serial killers, rapists and child abusers, would you be honest with them? Would you hold back in any way? These people want you dead. Plan accordingly.


  2. John MacGregor says:

    Slightly contrary view – this is news that should be published widely to inform the public at large what these nutcases are planning.


  3. Gary D. says:

    This is typical tactic of socialists of any stripe. They denounce and slander their opponents. Remember what Hillary Clinton said back in Sept. 2016 in her “deplorables” speech about “half of Trump’s supporters.” She judged millions upon millions of her fellow Americans as “racist, sexist, homophobic, Islamophobic”, even “irredeemable”.

    We have to remember that people like David Suzuki and Naomi Klein consider themselves superior. They consider others, such as those who consider the Climate Change Ideology as extortion, as inferiors. They therefore have no qualms about denouncing their critics as deniers, as stupid, as ignorant, and/or as uneducated or unqualified.

    By the way, the Climate Change Ideology is extortion: “Give us your money or the Earth gets it.” People in British Columbia are paying a 128% (and growing) “carbon” tax on their domestic natural gas usage.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Craig Austin says:

    The most important reaction for life on earth.
    6H2O + 6CO2 —light energy–> C6H12O6 +6O2
    Someone please point out the pollutant.


  5. thisismyname says:

    “Canada, you’re better than this!!!”

    How so? Canada is actively arresting evangelicals for speaking in their own church. I think it’s interesting the government greenies are appealing to vague morality while prosecuting a faith with a moral standard.


  6. zzoopy says:

    This kind of thing is especially prevelant in mancamps that are building green energy facilities, wind farms, solar farms and the like.


  7. Duke says:

    I see an irony in what the ‘green’ speaker was saying. The left has the habit of accusing others of what they are doing themselves. I have known many energy workers in my life … ones who work in camps where they build things we need. The last thing those men think about is ‘child porn’. That is something the left spends a lot of time thinking about.

    You may have noted that lately the left rejoice in sexualizing children and telling them that they can choose a gender. Then they monstrously go about dressing boys like girls then put them on hormone therapy and worse … The left also has no problem murdering a child at the point of birth … if mommy changes her mind.

    These people are a sickness on our society … they must be dealt with in the most harsh terms. Or they will screw us over bigly and freedom will vanish. And yes, as another commenter stated, these sub humans want us dead.

    You see how tolerating vast numbers illegal aliens has lead to an ever increasing flow … Same thing with these green fools. If you tolerate them, they interpret that is acquiescence and agreement and they move forward right onto your shoes.

    Speak up while you still can.


    • Terry Etam says:

      I’ve worked my damnedest to keep the conversation on energy and energy education, but energy and climate change has evolved into pure politics. I get too nauseous to continue in that arena…but ghad to this time to call out sheer nonsense and defend those energy workers that make our lives possible!


  8. John P McMahon says:

    None of these people have any idea how the physical world actually works because few of their experiences have been outside of academe, which is all theoretical. Have any of them ever handled a wrench or a hammer? The are not connecting the car that they drove up to the meeting in to the the oil rigs or coal mines.


  9. Rudolf Huber says:

    When the Soviet Union failed and showed the reality of what Communism really was, it only did so when the countries affected by it were thoroughly wrecked. Make no mistake, we knew decades before 1989 that Communism was a failing ideology and that it could not possibly deliver what it promised to the believers. We knew it would lead to tyranny and disaster. There were many, many voices also within the communist block but they were silenced as good as they could. That does not mean that people did not know. The sister of my Grand Mother lived in Eastern Germany and she told us more than a decade about the misery there. The Climate gang needs to wreck a large, developed economy before the world wakes from its self-induced slumber. Only when they have wreaked havoc on an unimaginable scale will people take the reins back. The US is best placed to weather the storm as will some countries like Switzerland through their strong federalism. But there will be mayhem. We can’t avoid it – the hordes of destruction want it. Better some real big pain now that misery forever. Get it on with …


  10. Mongo says:

    Stupid politicians aren’t the problem.
    Stupid voters who elect stupid politicians are the problem.

    It’s time for a new country.


  1. […] I really didn’t want to write this post. It is vile and disgusting and incendiary, and can only serve to increase polarization. But the comments in the headlines were actually said, in a church, by activists, while the likes of David Suzuki and Naomi Klein sat approvingly in the audience. And Canada needs to hear what Green New Deal people actually are thinking, if their madness is to be part of the upcoming election. Read more… […]


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