Manufactured culture wars are killing our energy

Manufactured culture wars are killing our energy

Suppose a person starts a new business. Months of tireless effort ensue. It all works out. The business grows like crazy and within five years it employs a thousand people. The owner becomes wealthy. Philosophical junction point: Did that person create a gift for society in the form of creating a thousand jobs, plus the […]

“Last winter’s heating bills were unsustainable” – buddy, do I have bad news for you

“Last winter’s heating bills were unsustainable” – buddy, do I have bad news for you

Wow, what time is it? Is it May? Haven’t posted here in forever. Been drunk for months. That’s not a good life strategy, admittedly, but hey it’s better than staying sober and alert and watching what’s going on in the world. I don’t want to play this game anymore. There are a million funny things […]

Forget inane media preoccupations and pay attention: The world is running out of fuel. We are all going to pay

Forget inane media preoccupations and pay attention: The world is running out of fuel. We are all going to pay

If you feel comfortable with everything that’s going on in the world today, you are either a complete freak or perhaps more optimistically have mastered the not-crazy goal of isolating yourself from every media stream that is not slapstick comedy. It is hard to isolate – there is no respite in movies; they penetrate your […]

The EU has lost its mind: Private jet/yacht emissions are totally fine, the rest of you can go cuddle your cats to stay warm

The EU has lost its mind: Private jet/yacht emissions are totally fine, the rest of you can go cuddle your cats to stay warm

“Wow, you really are happy to see me, luv.” “Blimey, no, I’ve got me ferrets in me trousers.” Any Monty Python fans out there? For the non-initiated, the UK comedy troupe unleashed a barrage of wickedly funny absurdist humour that set a high watermark for comedy for decades.  The Ministry of Silly Walks. Ancient philosophers […]

Europe’s energy calamity offers a global teaching moment – do not try this at home

Europe’s energy calamity offers a global teaching moment – do not try this at home

There is a website that shows European power prices in the day-ahead market. It is a beauty – a simple map of Europe, with each country’s name and a single power price below. To make it even simpler for us that qualify as the ultra-lazy, the countries are colour-coded by price, higher prices denoted by […]