Fewer pitchforks, more facts: How do we take back energy discussions?

Fewer pitchforks, more facts: How do we take back energy discussions?

One fine November day long ago in my university days, the Saskatchewan Roughriders won the Grey Cup for the first time in decades. It was a big upset and the province went nuts; at the time it had little else to cheer about. My friends and I joined a huge throng of people running purposefully […]

In violent agreement – both sides in energy wars envision same future, but too entrenched to notice

In violent agreement – both sides in energy wars envision same future, but too entrenched to notice

Here in Canada, energy wars are reaching a fever pitch. The petroleum business has begun to fight back after having been comprehensively outfoxed by a very savvy opponent in the form of formidably organized protest groups. The fossil-fuelers, mostly consisting of technical engineers, geologists, and finance people, was busy focusing on cash flows and finding […]