When I get hit by a self-driving car, I’m suing everyone in sight for 8 trillion dollars

When I get hit by a self-driving car, I’m suing everyone in sight for 8 trillion dollars

If I survive, that is. At the end of the day I won’t be unreasonable though and would probably settle for $500 billion-ish. Not that litigiousness is a good thing. I roll my eyes like everyone does at the stories about millionaires being created by dumping hot coffee in their laps, or slipping on ice, […]

Stop fighting, start planting trees

Stop fighting, start planting trees

Is anyone else out there exhausted by ridiculous environmental arguments? The topic isn’t ridiculous, but the entrenchment is. We’re getting nowhere and everyone is just getting more riled up. It’s like an argument about the best sushi, except that the loser loses his job forever. The green side sees fossil fuels as the ultimate enemy, […]